M 开头单词
means-shift 均值漂移
means-ends n.手段-目标
means to an end 达到目的的手段
means testing 支付能力调查
means test 经济情况调查(对申请补助者的)
means of vertical escape [交通运输工程]垂直脱险设备
means of transport 运输工具
means of support 支承方法
means of subsistence 生活资料
means of public summons [法学]公示方式
means of production [工经] 生产资料;生产手段;生产工具
means of logical atomic analysis [数学]逻辑原子分析
means of livelihood [经] 生活资料
means of escape 逃生途径,逃生出路;逃生设施;安全疏散路线
means of conveyance 运输资料,运输工具
means of access 专用通道;进出途径
means n.方法;手段;收入;财产v.意思是,意味(动词mean的第三人称单数)