M 开头单词
meet trouble halfway n. 杞人忧天
meet together 集合;楼台会
meet the serious challenge [政治学]面对严峻挑战
meet the requirements 符合要求;满足条件
meet the requirement 满足需要
meet the needs of 满足…的需要
meet the demands 满足要求
meet the demand of 满足……的需求
meet the demand 满足需要,满足要求;符合要求
meet the deadline 赶上最后期限;按期完成
meet the challenge 迎接挑战;满足要求
meet requirement 满足要求;达到要求
meet one's need 满足某人的需要
meet one's end v. 死
meet one's demands 符合某人的要求
meet new people 遇见陌生人 认识新朋友
meet me halfway 做出让步 半路相遇
meet halfway 让步;妥协
meet for 为…而聚在一起