P 开头单词
profit margin rate [经济学]边际利润率
profit margin 利润率
profit manipulation 利润操纵
profit from unequivalent exchange [经济学]不等价交换利益
profit from 得益于;利用
profit forecast [会计] 利润预测
profit distribution right [法学]盈余分配权
profit distribution 利润分配;利益分配
profit contribution 利润贡献;毛利
profit by 得益于
profit brought forward [经济学]转入收益
profit before tax [税收] 税前利润
profit apportioning options [经济学]收益分配方式
profit and tax amount [能源科学技术]利税额
profit and loss statement [会计] 损益表
profit and loss sharing ratio [经济学]损益分配率盈亏分配率
profit and loss report 损益报表;损益报告
profit and loss ledger [经济学]损益清帐损益分类帐
profit and loss appropriation account [会计] 损益分配帐户