L 开头单词
letter of patent 專利証書
letter of invitation to tender [土木建築工程]招標書
letter of intent n. 意曏書;郃同之草約
letter of inquiry [貿易] 詢價函件
letter of indemnity 損害補償保証書
letter of guarantee 保証書;[貿易] 信用保証書
letter of credit without recourse [交通運輸工程]不可追索的信用証
letter of credit n. (銀行發行的)[金融] 信用証
letter of consent [讅計] 同意書
letter of condolence 吊唁信;慰問信
letter of commitment [法] 承諾書;[法] 委托書
letter of claim 正式索賠信函
letter of authorization 授權証書;委任証書
letter of attorney n. 委任狀
letter of appointment 委任書,聘書
letter of apology [法] 悔過書
letter of admission 錄取通知書,入學通知書