P 开头单词
prematures 早産兒
prematureness adj.提前的;過早的;早産的n.早産兒;早熟
prematurely adv.過早地;早熟地
premature ventricular contraction
premature transcription termination [毉葯科學]轉錄提前終止[生物學]轉錄提前終止
premature tearing [物理學]提前撕裂
premature tax write-off [經濟學]過早稅收沖銷
premature rupture of the membranes [毉葯科學]胎膜早破
premature rupture of membranes [婦産] 胎膜早破
premature rupture of membrane 胎膜早破
premature rupture of fetal membrane [毉葯科學]胎膜早破
premature retirement [政治學]提早退休
premature ovary failure [毉葯科學]卵巢早衰
premature ovarian failure [婦産] 卵巢功能早衰
premature orarian failure [毉葯科學]卵巢功能性早衰
premature menopause 未老經斷 早熟絕經
premature lysis [生物學]過早溶菌現象
premature labor [婦産] 早産