B 开头单词
be after sth. 追求;尋找某物
be after 尋找,尋求;追趕
be afraid to do 害怕做
be afraid to advance 畏葸不前
be afraid to 害怕
be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事;做某事感到害怕;害怕,擔心…
be afraid of being involved 怕事
be afraid of 害怕
be afforded lenient treatment 寬大
be afflicted 受折磨 受害
be affiliated with 與…有關系 …附屬
be affectedly shy 忸怩作態
be affected with 患有...疾病
be affected and unnatural 東扭西捏
be advised 請注意 建議