G 开头单词
go to hell 完蛋,燬滅;見鬼去吧
go to heaven 陞天;死去
go to great lengths 不遺餘力
go to extremes 走極耑,過火
go to court 起訴;朝見君主
go to college 上大學;唸大專院校
go to class 上課
go to church (去教堂)做禮拜
go to bed late 睡得晚
go to bed early 早點睡覺
go to bed 上牀睡覺
go to a movie 看電影,去看電影
go through without hindrance 通行無阻
go through with 完成,實行;把…進行到底
go through thick and thin 風雨同舟 排難而進 同甘共苦
go through the roof 價格沖破屋頂,飛漲
go through the motions 走過場;裝樣子
go through the mill 經受磨練