G 开头单词
give up halfway 半途而廢;中途放棄
give up for lost 認爲…沒有希望
give up 放棄;交出
give uninformed directions 瞎指揮
give top priority to 優先考慮
give tongue 講 狂吠
give to 送給 給予 授予 提供
give thought to 考慮到
give the impression of weakness 示弱
give the impression 畱下印象
give the go-by to [航空、航天科學技術]沒注意
give the devil his due v. 平心而論;公平對待
give the benefit of doubt 既有疑點,利歸某人(法律用語) 對人家的懷疑既然未能証實,且往好的一麪想